Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Rural and Urban Areas

On Sunday we traveled to Buenos Aires. While traveling this 7 hour drive we were able to see many differences in the layout of the land and the scenery.

The rural areas looked very similar to South Dakota and what we are used to at home. There are crops along the road in fields. We agreed the bright green fields were a wonderful to see!
One thing we all found interesting was how flat the fields were. Several of the farmers we talked to mentioned the hills they had to work around. However, what they consider hills here, we would still consider to be very flat.

There were also not many towns we went through while driving. This was also a change from home were it is fairly common to come across towns regularly
We also noticed various cycles of crops. For example, there was corn that was just starting to pop-up and corn that was tasseling. We all found this cycle to be  rather interisting and something we would not see too often at home.

While arriving in the city, it was a complete change. We came across very heavy traffic right away in the city and had an eye-opening moment when we saw the large buildings and apartment buildings. We were pointed out the many low income housing districts where many families in need have been heavily supported  by the govenment. There were also many beautiful and historice buildings we noticed while arriving in the city. The city is a very beautiful place and we all loved seeing the scenery and look forward to the city tour we will be going on Thursday.

Written by; Brandi Murley